Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions River Thames Cruises Tickets

River Thames Cruises encourages you to review this document for all tickets purchased through River Thames Cruises Ltd. By purchasing tickets through us, you (the client) agree to the terms and conditions outlined herein. This document overrides any previous versions and may only be modified with the mutual consent of both the client and a Director of River Thames Cruises.

All tickets are sold subject to availability and to these Terms and Conditions, which are to be read thoroughly and carefully prior to purchasing a ticket. A valid ticket must be produced to get into the event. Please inform us (River Thames Cruises) of any access requirements at the time of booking. Modifying, altering, or defacing the ticket in any way may render it invalid.

1.0 All bookings must be made in advance of the date of the cruise. To board the vessel the client must have a confirmed reservation/ticket which is valid for the date booked. It is your responsibility to check your ticket(s) as mistakes cannot always be rectified after purchase. Please check your ticket(s) on receipt carefully and contact us immediately if there is a mistake.

1.1 River Thames Cruises will not be responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen tickets. If there are any queries regarding tickets purchased from ticket agents must be directed back to the relevant agent.

1.2 It is not always possible to issue duplicate tickets such as for non-seated events, where there is the possibility of both the original and duplicate tickets being used, compromising the licensed capacity of the venue. Duplicates may therefore be issued at the discretion of the promotor or the venue acting reasonably. If an e-ticket is reissued only the most recent version will be valid, previous tickets will be void and entry to the vessel may not be permitted.

1.3 River Thames Cruises reserve the right to provide alternative tickets at an event to those specified on the ticket if the staging of the event reasonably requires, provided they are of no less value to that stated on the ticket.

1.4 Where a concession is claimed, proof of identity and concession entitlement (for example of age or student status) may be required, where applicable and available by each vendor.

1.5 Possession of a ticket does not confer any rights on you to use, alter, copy or otherwise deal with any of the symbols, trademarks, logos and/or intellectual property appearing on the ticket.

1.6 All tickets cannot be used for advertising, promotions, contests or sweepstakes, unless formal written is given by the event partner(s), provided that even if such consent is obtained, use of our trademarks and other intellectual property is subject to our prior consent.

1.7 You agree not to obtain or attempt to obtain any ticket(s) through unauthorised use of any robot, spider or other automated device or any other illegal or unauthorised activity. We reserve the right to cancel any ticket transaction that we reasonably suspect violates these provisions, without prior notice to you. Any tickets purchased as part of such a transaction will be void.

2.0 Price and Payment

2.1 Full payment in cleared funds must be received by River Thames Cruises Ltd in advance of the date of the ticket cruise. Payment is required in full at the time of the booking to secure your space on the vessel. The final ticket price is the amount specified at the time we accept your order. All advertised prices include any applicable taxes and per-ticket booking fees (where applicable) but do not include any per-transaction or delivery fees. If booking with a credit or debit card that the client does not have the legal right to use the booking will be invalid.

2.2 No order will be accepted until we have received full payment in cleared funds. We reserve the right to cancel any booking which we reasonably suspect to have been made fraudulently.

2.3 All concessions and discounts are subject to availability, they may be restricted to certain price levels and events and can be withdrawn by River Thames Cruises without notice.

3.0 Delivery

3.1 Your tickets will be delivered as an e-ticket to the email address provided when you registered on the site. Your e-ticket must be printed or presented on a mobile or tablet device. If printed, your e-ticket must be clearly printed to scale on plain A4, clean, white paper. Problems with printing will not be our responsibility or the responsibility of the venue. Unauthorised duplication of your e-ticket may prevent your admittance to the event. River Thames Cruises is not responsible for any inconvenience caused by unauthorised duplication. If unauthorised duplicates appear River Thames Cruises reserves the right to refuse entry to all ticket holders. Any duplicate tickets issued by River Thames Cruises will render the original e-ticket void.

3.2 E-tickets will only be delivered to the email address provided at the time of booking.

4.0 Changes to Event

4.1 River Thames Cruises reserves the right to substitute another vessel and if necessary, for reasons beyond its control, to cancel the booking, but River Thames Cruises will not in such circumstances be liable for any expenses incurred by the client.

5.0 Cancelled and Re-scheduled Events

5.1 It is your responsibility to ensure whether or not an event has been cancelled or re-scheduled and the date and time of any re-scheduled event. Where an event is cancelled or re-scheduled, we will use our reasonable endeavours to notify you using the details you provided us at the time of booking. We do not guarantee that you will be informed of such cancellation prior to the date of the event.

5.2 It is your responsibility to inform us of any change to the telephone number or email address you provide us with at the time of booking.

6.0 Refunds and Exchanges

6.1 Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable.

6.2 Amendments of dietary requirements are accepted providing notice is given by the client no less than 72 hours prior to the event.

6.3 No reimbursements will be made for travel, accommodation or any other costs incurred by you in connection with the event which you do not attend.

6.4 Where an event is cancelled or rescheduled by River Thames Cruises due to circumstances beyond our control, or where there is a material change to the event, you may request a refund from us in accordance with this clause. This refund will equal to the price paid by you at the time of booking the event.

6.5 A material change to the event is a change which our reasonable opinion, makes the event materially different to the event that purchasers of the ticket could reasonably expect. The use of a different vessel advertised shall not be a material change.

6.6 Where an event is cancelled because of adverse weather, we shall not be liable to make any refund or pay any compensation.

6.7 Refunds will only be made to the person who purchased the tickets and made using the same method as was used to purchase the tickets (where possible).

6.8 These Terms and Conditions do not affect your statutory rights as a customer.

7.0 Liability

7.1 Personal arrangements such as travel, accommodation, or hospitality related to the event, organised by you, are at your own risk. River Thames Cruises' liability to you concerning the event includes cancellation due to a significant change.

7.2 River Thames Cruises will not be responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any person or property caused in any circumstances where there is no breach of a legal duty of care owed by us or the event partner(s), AND  in any circumstances where such loss or damage is not a reasonably foreseeable result of such breach OR to the extent that any increase in any loss or damage results from breach by you of any of these Terms and Conditions and/or any terms and conditions of the event partner(s).

7.3 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions seeks to exclude or limit our or the event partners' liability for death or personal injury caused by our/ the event partners' negligence, fraud or other type of liability which cannot by law be excluded or limited.

8.0 Void Tickets

8.1 Any ticket obtained in breach of these Terms and Conditions will be void and all rights conferred or evidenced by such ticket will be void. Any person seeking to use such void ticket may be considered a trespasser and may be liable to be ejected and liable to legal action. Void tickets are non-refundable.

9.0 Restrictions

9.1 Tickets may be restricted in accordance to vessel availability. It is your responsibility to read all notifications displayed on our website. We reserve the right to cancel tickets purchased in excess of the maximum number, without prior notice unless the excess was due to our error, in which case we will notify you prior to cancelling your ticket(s).

10.0 Conditions of admission and attendance

10.1 The management and Captain of the vessel reserve the right to refuse ticket holders' admission to the vessel in reasonable circumstances including for health and safety, licensing reasons or where a ticket is void.

10.2 The management and Captain of the vessel also reserves the right to request that ticket holders leave the vessel at any point on reasonable grounds and may take appropriate action to enforce this right (for example, inappropriate behaviour which disturbs the enjoyment for other clients, using threatening or abusive behaviour, there is reason to believe you are under the influence of drugs or has consumed an excessive amount of alcohol, OR you fail to provide proof of identity or age).

10.3 You must comply with instructions and directions given by the Captain and Crew.

10.4 No refunds will be given to ticket holders who are refused entry or ejected due to their own behaviour.

11.0 Restrictions and Prohibitions

11.1 By attending the event you consent to film and sound recording of yourselves. The event partner(s) may use such films and recordings without payment.

11.2 Smoking is not permitted inside the vessel.

11.3 The following is not permitted on any vessel: large objects that require storage such as bikes and suitcases, animals (excluding assistance dogs), any potential weapon (knives or any other sharp object, laser pens, fireworks, flares and smoke bombs), bottles, cans or glass containers, illegal substances, your own food and drink.

11.4 The management of the venue reserves the right to conduct security searches and confiscate any item which may cause danger or disruption to other people or is present on the list above.

11.5 Customers who suffer sea sickness or travel sickness will not be entitled to a refund.

11.6 The event partners and venue will not be liable for any loss, theft or damage to confiscated items. Any items not collected within 24 hours will be considered a gift to the venue and disposed of by the venue in their sole discretion.

12.0 Health and Safety

12.1 Ticket holders must comply with safety announcements and venue regulations.

13.0 Events beyond our reasonable control (Force Majeure)

13.1 For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, ‘Force Majeure’ means any cause beyond our control including, without limitation, act of God, war, insurrection, riot, civil disturbances, acts of terrorism, fire, explosion, flood, theft of essential equipment, malicious damage, strike, lock out, weather, third party injunction, national defence requirements, acts or regulations of national or local governments. We will not be liable to You for failure to perform any obligation under these Terms and Conditions to the extent that the failure is caused by Force Majeure.

14.0 General

14.1 Please ensure all ticket holders within your party are aware of any dress codes that may apply with regards to your ticket. Refunds will not be offered where entry is refused for this reason.

14.2 Please note that the layout on each vessel used for ticketed events are different and cannot guarantee seating.

14.3 River Thames Cruises recommend arriving at the boarding pier fifteen minutes prior to boarding time. You will not be entitled to a refund if you miss the boarding slot.

14.4 Please note some ticketed events have age restrictions (no high chairs or push-chairs are permitted or available for use; some events do not allow people under the age of eighteen). It is your responsibility to check the age requirements at the time of booking.

14.5 Whilst we try to ensure all times and prices are accurate, errors may occur. If an error in price affects your booking, we will try to inform you as soon as possible. If we are unable to contact you for any reason, we reserve the right to cancel your booking. River Thames Cruises do not accept liability for any loss resulting from our failure to provide an advertised service or where a delay occurs to those services.

14.6 All prices are subject to change without notification.

14.7 The client will be responsible for any loss or damage to the property and for any injury to any person or thing caused in consequence of any act on the part of the client, its agents or guest.

14.8 During the event, the vessel will remain under complete control of the Captain and Crew. If for weather, tide or other reasons the Captain considers it necessary to vary the trip, his decision will be final. The Captain will position the vessel alongside the dock fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled times to facilitate smooth embarkation and disembarkation.